Whenever you need some additional money for meeting your emergency expenses, the most sensible thing will be to deal with a legitimate Singapore best money lender out there. There is no need to gamble your energy, time, and cash and select a random lending company without any proper business license. In the subsequent paragraphs, we have mentioned the benefits of using a licensed moneylender in Singapore.

Avoiding harassments – It will be possible to avoid any harassment by borrowing cash from the certified moneylenders in Singapore. These legitimate lending companies are required to follow different stringent lending regulations that have been imposed by the government. In case the lenders do not abide by these regulations, it might be required for them to face serious punitive measures from the authorities in the long run. They might be needed to pay financial fines, and their licenses can also be revoked. These promotional lending companies will also provide you with advice on how to abide by a repayment scheme, which is possible so that it aids you in managing your cash properly.

  • Staying Away From High-Interest Rates – On most occasions, high-interest rates are asked by the uncensored lending companies in Singapore. Nevertheless, the legitimate lending companies out there are all registered properly, which usually dictates how a lender can charge its interest rates. Also, exactly what rates they can ask for, and also the maximum amounts that can be lent by them to the individuals who are looking for loans.
  • Avoiding Illegitimate Ways Of Obtaining Your Info – The illegitimate money lenders in Singapore often use the login details of a person for obtaining personal info in the long run. However, in case the private information falls in the incorrect hands, they can be used improperly. Therefore, the legitimate lending companies will only carry out verification checks in front of the person as he or she is going to procure a loan. The lending companies will be checking your previously drawn salary for estimating your income level before actually issuing the loan in the long run.
  • It Is Possible To Get The Loan Easily – Legal money lenders in Singapore, as compared to the illegal ones, will be able to issue the loans quite fast. For instance, in case your yearly income happens to be $40,000, or even more, it will be possible to get the loan approved very easily and also in a less amount of time. Furthermore, there is no need to verify your credit history comprehensively whatsoever.
  • Possible To Avoid SMS Spams – The legal lending companies are not permitted by the regulations to send advertisements using SMS or perform any telemarketing campaign to attract prospective clients. In case you find that these types of SMS messages are asking you to loan the cash, it will be possible for you to report this to the IPT since this happens to be a significant validation of the money lenders act in Singapore.

Why Make Use Of CRAWFORT As Your Trusted Money Lender In Singapore?

CRAWFORT SG is considered to be one of the most trusted legitimate lending companies in Singapore at present. Customer satisfaction happens to be the primary focus of the company. Besides technology innovation, the company also seeks to provide outstanding customer support around-the-clock. Respect, sincerity, as well as empathy, happen to be the core of the corporate culture of the company, and they try to establish trust using how they approach their clients.

The company provides a significant emphasis on building partnerships with its customers, and it is devoted to treating every single client with the proper respect. It is considered to be the Singapore Best Moneylender right now; this lending company has got the distinction of disbursing in excess of 200,000 loans during the last decade. Furthermore, the dedication of the company to its customers has secured them a spot on the Singapore Prestige Brand Awards 2019 list.

  • Simple and convenient – CRAWFORT SG has been able to digitize the entire process of the loan. From your credit scoring to loan application, payment, and EKYC, the company tries to make your loan journey extremely convenient and smooth. It is possible to perform loan repayment via SAM/AXS machines, and there is no need to come to their office personally for making the payments.
  • Secure and private – The Company considers the privacy of its customers to be extremely important. It makes use of topmost technology for encrypting the servers, which makes sure that all the information of the clients remains secure. The updates on the company will also be provided to the customers from time to time, according to their convenience. The company respects the confidentiality of the customers, and the loan information of the clients will never be disclosed to any other party out there.

The Approach Of The Company When It Comes To Ethical Lending

  • Security – The loan professionals of the company make it a point to seek and also verify information regarding the requirements of the clients, their objectives, as well as financial situations.
  • Legitimate – This lending company in Singapore ensures stringent compliance with the Moneylender’s Act of Singapore along with other pertinent legal provisions.
  • Decision-making – The Company encourages its clients to seek autonomous legal as well as financial advice such that it will be possible for them to make prudent decisions before taking out a loan.

This lending mentioned above company offers several types of loans, including personal loans, payday loans, SME business loans, and so on.


We all know that a loan is a fantastic way to procure the additional cash you require in urgent situations. The payments are uncomplicated, with the borrower just repaying the loan along with minimal interest. The process is quite fast, and there is no fuss at all. In case you need some urgent cash in Singapore, which will help you to pay your monthly bills, then look no further and get in touch with CRAWFORT without any hesitation whatsoever.

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